FedEx Ship Center em Brooklyn, NY (2024)


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570 E 108th St, Brooklyn, NY, 11236

entre a Stanley Ave & a Foster Ave


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260 mEast 105th Street (L)

780 mNew Lots Avenue (L)

810 mCanarsie-Rockaway Parkway (L)


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Horário local (Brooklyn) 06:11 segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2024

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20 avaliações para FedEx Ship Center

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Anna Z.

Classificação do local: 1
Manhattan, NY

One star only because i finally got my package. Its ridiculous. Very poor customer service. Its about 12 people waiting and nobody is at the counter. Don’t miss your packages otherwise you will be going through this hell and wasting time.

Alex t.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

Terrible. Drivers don’t show up and I waste my day waiting and no way to figure the issue out with driver. Just terrible. I paid for next day because its going to take 3. 2 day if I want it within 2 weeks. And ground if I feel like giving away money so that means never. They never show up and no note left. Then they want me to go pick it up? Are you serious. If it was ever medication, Do you know the implications of this poor service? People could die. It’s crazy. They only deliver packages when you involve cops and lawyers.

Alisha S.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

The staff at this location were extremely rude and unhelpful. I was provided instructions from FedEx customer service over the phone and assured that my fiancée would be able to pick up the package as long as he had the door tag and his ID. This was after, as many others have reported, their local courier claimed they attempted to deliver but no one was home. I had taken the day off of work and was most definitely home. The counter person told my fiancée that his name was not on the package so he could not pick it up and when he asked if she could call myself or the sender to get him permission she said, «It’s not my job» and then refused to help anymore. I then called to try to speak to a local manager to give him said permission, she was rude and continuously interrupted me while I was explaining the situation. I most certainly won’t be using FedEx in the future, and don’t recommend you do either if this is your local location. UPS is much more reliable and polite.

Jennifer W.

Classificação do local: 1
New York, NY

Amidst all these crappy reviews, you still insist on dealing with FedEx?
Hmph. Shame on you. Now lets begin.
Like other ticked off customers the same ordeal happened to me: took some days off of work to wait for a package that never came, however according to the driver he indeed «did» come and «made» attempts. After arguing with corporate over the phone Im put on hold just for them to tell me that according to the Dispatcher at this location, the Driver left me door tags stating he attempted said deliveries and even rang my buzzer for my apartment number and noone answered.
Number one, I’ve been home ALL DAY. Looking out my window like a hawk. When did you «make» these attempts?
Two: Did I just see your truck drive by my apartment building?!
Three: Not to mention my freakin’ apartment building doesn’t even HAVE A BUZZER.
After calling corporate again and holding back my swear words (because its not that «these calls may be recorded for quality assurance purposes» its really «ALL these calls are recorded to protect our butts»), now Im told that as long as I make it to the facility AFTER the driver does (to save yourself travel time and many headaches, ALWAYS call first!), I can go pick up my package without asking them to hold it, and that he would be back by 5:30pm (how strange: it was 4:38 at the moment and he was suppose to be making another attempt to my house!).
After trekking it over there I hand over my info just to see this blank look on the employee’s face. She says the words no customer wants to hear picking up a package:
«Its not in the system and he left for the day.»
Oh DID HE?! Give me his freakin address! I’ll find him!
Instead I calmly yet irritably state that this type of service is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE and while I do know it is not her own personal fault that my package is missing at the moment, its somebody’s damn fault.
She silently walks to the back, where on her way another employee (blonde) whispers to her «Who’s the driver?» after a silent reply back, the blonde yells in exasperation «Oh GOD! Oh NO! Him?!?»
To make a long story short, it seems this facility has a certain douchebag driver name CHEVRON HOPE. Im told (by an employee no less!!) that whenever DoucheBag Hope is out suppose to be making deliveries, customers come in furious wanting to know why even though they were home all day they already have three attempts on their doors.
In others words, Douche Hope is just cruising around town, waiting for his shift to end while we all sit at home anxiously biting our nails.
If Chevron Hope is constantly an issue, why does he still have a job? Why isn’t he making his way towards the unemployment line?
After the first employee comes back with a bright smile on her face and my brand new MacBook Pro in her hands I thank her profusely while demanding who do I speak to in order to file a complaint against Chevron Hope. Im told to contact FedEx Corporate (kinda strange this facility doesn’t have a phone number. Good thing though, it would constantly be ringing off the hook) in order to file a complaint. I spoke to them and gave them the complete run down: how I saw his truck pass my house and how even his own coworkers know of his lack of competence (it does make you wonder though: if employees like these are getting away with schemes like this, whats happening else in FedEx?).
So if you really can’t help it and absolutely have to order from FedEx, tell them to leave that ish at the facility (they close at 9 pm M-​F), check your tracking number consistently and GET CHEVRON HOPE FIRED.
Overall the ladies at the station were nice, apologetic and sympathetic to my (or their’s, I should say) problem. Maybe its because of the time I showed up (a little before 6 o’clock in the evening. They were about to change shifts) but I was seen right away. The wait time was about 15 minutes because she had to go find my package. So I suggest not showing up on a Saturday morning like everyone else in NYC.

Cathia L.

Classificação do local: 3
Brooklyn, NY

I did not know there was a FedEx so close to where I live, so for me it’s conveniently located. It’s also great that they open so late, which is great if you’re coming from work and need to pick something up or drop off. I had to drop something off the other evening and I was content with the services.

Christopher D.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

My company failed to pay me this week, so they sent the check to my home address. After waiting the first half of my Saturday for said check and constantly checking the shipping status, I get an alert ½ hour before the final arrival time stating that my zip code was wrong. I called customer service and we verified the zip code was correct. How does a SHIPPING COMPANY not know that the zip code is, in fact, correct the first time?!
Now I’m waiting for the second half of my Saturday for a redelivery that will most likely never come.

Lawrence L.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

Horrible, Horrible, Horrible. Highly unprofessional. Dismissive. Rude. I waited 4 hours at home for a package, to be told that an attempted delivery was made, while I was still home. How? Through telepathy? No one rang the doorbell to my house, THEN I take a cab to save time, by picking it up at the facility, as I left implicit instructions for them to leave it here, for them to treat me like crap when I show up. Incompetence came here to learn from the masters.

L T.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

Have been waiting all day on a Saturday in 95 degrees Brooklyn on a Saturday for a 2-​day shipping package, called 3 times to be told it would be delivered by 6pm, then by 8pm, then that they did not have any precise waiting limit… Am still waiting and it could be here at 10pm… Ridiculous. Poor service. Will never use again.

Omnomnom M.

Classificação do local: 1
East Bronx, NY

piss poor service.
I ordered electronics from amazon that were due on the 15th of April to arrive. They said they could get it here by the 13th on Saturday. I was overjoyed that they would be coming early. Sad reality when they claimed they attempted to deliver but stated the address was incorrect.
I have had many packages from amazon, family, and friends make it here not only in one piece but on time or before hand. My SO was even sitting outside chatting with a friend and said not a single fedex truck was seen. I checked the tracking online only to see them say the address was incorrect. I doubled checked and made sure if this was true on google maps. An lo and behold… google maps not only showed my area but my street and pointed directly in front of my apartment complex.
My assumption was they were either too damn lazy to actually ring the door bell to be let in or too lazy to even attempt to pull up the truck and get out of it. Either way there was no excuse.
The first rep I called was not only rude but was eager to rush me off the phone. I didn’t appreciate that that. I called again and re-​gave my address, phone number, name, ect to the new rep. This one a little less hasty. Now the package is suppose to be here on the 16th this Tuesday. I may have to sit outside and watch for it after reading these damn reviews :/​The fact they make no attempt to ring door bells is beyond me.
Also contacted the amazon seller I got my items from about this situation just to let them know whats going on. Not only about what happened but about the branches incompetence with their staff. I would rather get my items instead of a refund from the seller, so lets see what happens :/​
So far I’m not a fan of fedex at all

Jenn A.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

The worst service ever. I ordered a holiday gift via Amazon that was scheduled to be delivered on December 24th. No gift. Ok, it is Christmas Eve and it was a last minute gift idea. On Dec. 26th I get a text stating the package was out for delivery. All day I wait at home, no delivery. On Dec. 27th I get a text stating that the package was again out for delivery. I leave a note on my building door with instructions to deliver to two alternate apartments in the same building. Still no delivery.
I called Fed Ex that evening asking about the package (no reasonable answer) and giving both the instructions to deliver to the two alternate apartments AND my cell phone number.
On Dec 28th I get a text that the package was out for delivery. I get home at 6 pm and wait. My neighbors were also home because I rang the bell of one to see if a package was delivered and heard noise from the other. I get a text at 7:14 saying that a delivery was attempted. I did not hear a door bell ring, did not get a door tag as evidence of an attempted delivery and I STILL have no package. I call the bogus 1800 number and they have been trying to get in touch with this station to no avail. The customer service department is of no use. I refuse to go all the way out to Canarsie to get the package because it is very far and I have no door tag indicating an attempted delivery.
This is not the first time this has happened, FED Ex is the worse business ever and this particular office is very lame. I would have been faster if I went to wherever the package came from and got it myself… on a bicycle!

Chad L.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

Even thought I’m currently on hold with this very place, and have plenty of time (i guess, since I’m on minute 35) I’m still not going to waste time elaborating on how consistently awful this place and it’s employees are. Criminal. Any other business that operated the way this branch does would have gone out of business long ago. I’ve just been told «maybe the driver is on a break, I don’t know.» Go FedEx.

Chris E.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

This center is an absolute nightmare! During the daytime, the service is slow and during the night it is even slower. I’ve been here during both times of the day and if you are ever to come here to pick up a package I recommend you come during the day. During the night, the line is 2025 people deep and they usually have only 2 people working the counters during these times. The wait was about 40 minutes from the moment I stepped foot inside until leaving. What is even worse is that the counter employees are also the people who go to the back to look for the packages while other employees in the back fool around and not work. So I say just be prepared for the bad customer service and the long lines when you arrive. Also, do not be surprised that there is no parking at all in the area because this center is located in a residential neighborhood… and I’m not talking about the ones with houses and driveways.

Jason R.

Classificação do local: 1

Lets see here.
Order a package… Check
Miss a package… Check
Have to drive here to claim package all the way from queens… Check
Get package after 2 hours of them trying to find said pack… Nooooooope
This place is the worst. missed my package called them to have them hold it for me and then proceeded to drive the 3040min to go pick it up.
I get there and they go we can’t find it. hmmm ok well then keep looking. Anyway about 2hours later they go oh the company that sent it told us we are not alllowed to hold the package and that it must be delivered and then told me it was because of some nonsense about security. Well now I have to schlep all the way back home with no package I get there and guess what A FRIENDLY NOT LETTING ME KNOW I JUST MISSED THE PACKAGE!

Artur A.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

Waited all day for a package, all day. I saw the truck driver outside of my 6th floor window… he ran in without my package, didn’t ring the doorbell, and ran out. There went my whole day. No attempt at delivery.
Called Fed Ex… and the service rep couldn’t even get the local office on the phone because they had HER on hold for 15 minutes.
I want my Saturday back you %^&!s

Will C.

Classificação do local: 1
Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA

Unilocal, please give me a way to award: «No Stars»…that’s what FedEx deserves…
I shipped a gift from Los Angeles to my girlfriend in NYC leaving a full 9 days for delivery. I brought the package to the FedEx Office (used to be Kinkos) store, had them pack it, and fill out all the shipping options. I selected 35 day ground freight. The package needed to get to her within 9 days in order to arrive prior to us both leaving the country to meet up at a relative’s wedding.
Let me start by saying that at no time did I or my girlfriend request that the package be held at the FedEx location, or indicate that there would be no one at her building to receive (and sign for) the package. Also, despite the fact that BOTH our phone numbers were on the shipping label, neither of us got any calls about the package.
Let me also note here, that she lives in a 55 floor, doorman building in mid-​town Manhattan with a 7am — 7pm package concierge who signs for ALL packages.
We were expecting the package to arrive that Thursday, when it didn’t we thought «ok, maybe Friday then?». Well by Saturday I was pretty livid. I called FedEx and was told that the package had been held at the shipping office because «a future delivery date had been requested». When I informed them that we had requested no such thing, I was told they couldn’t see *why* it had been requested or *who* had requested it, just that it had been requested.
When I asked if they could get it delivered by Monday at the latest (she was leaving at 5am Tuesday morning) I was PROMISED by a supervisor that it would go out with the Monday ground shipments. Imagine my dismay when I went to the FedEx tracking utility on Monday, expecting a status report of the package leaving the FedEx office, and found… really??? Nothing???
So I get back on the phone, and was told that the package didn’t go out. Well I already knew that… but could they tell me why? Of course not… how could I expect them to know why the supervisor in question would promise something and then NOT follow through.
There were some half-​assed insincere apologies, but no offers of any sort of refund for the «service» or compensation for a second purchase of the gift they were holding, or really anything. No solutions, no refund… nothing. AND my 35 day shipment… oh 9 days later and it’s still not here. And there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
I’ll never ship with FedEx again.

Michelle W.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

This facility needs work. Last year, my Boyfriend sent me a perishable gift for Valentines day, as a surprise. This was supposed to be delivered to my job. They screwed up and didn’t deliver on time and I had to go get my own package. «Big surprise», right?! Then the clerk had the nerve to give me attitude!
They need new management.

Sharon C.

Classificação do local: 2
Brooklyn, NY

Tracking my package, I saw that it had arrived at the Fedex Brooklyn facility but was not scheduled for delivery. On the phone, I was told that because my package had arrived «early», it was being held in a huge storage container, but that it could be retrieved so I could pick it up at the counter. At the counter, I was told that my package was still inaccessible. In the bizarro-​world of Fedex customer service doubletalk, my package was at the same time «truly important» and utterly insignificant beyond reach. I figure the simple explanation is that Fedex didn’t consider itself obligated to stick it on a truck until the absolute last guaranteed delivery date. The counterperson was able to locate my package from storage, but someone in the back room misunderstood, and a driver put it on his truck for delivery. So there I was at the counter while my package went for a ride. Well at least I did receive it later that day. Whew! Habeus corpus!

Laralyn M.

Classificação do local: 1
Brooklyn, NY

What a nightmare.
After paying extra for overnight shipping, and staying home from work to receive the package, the delivery driver didn’t even try to deliver it. I don’t know if he was too lazy to walk up a few flights of stairs, or too stupid to figure out which buzzer correlated to my apartment, but all he did upon arriving was leave a door tag on the door that said «attempted delivery.»
The second and third day, same thing. I missed work and still missed my package. On day three I called FedEx to complain, and they said they’d have the driver re-​attempt delivery. When I went downstairs at 3pm, I found *another* door tag! Could this get any worse? I spent almost an hour on the phone with various customer service representatives, and was told that the manager of this location (Serena) would call me to rectify the situation, but she never did. I finally got through to her on day 4, but she seemed lackadaisical about the whole thing. I guess my expectations are just too high.

Judy N.

Classificação do local: 1
Sunnyvale, CA

Oh FedEx… I have a love hate relationship with you… but mainly the hate at this brooklyn office, and specifically the delivery drivers — epic fail!
In a high rise condo building, as in all of brooklyn and NYC, there are buttons on the first floor, that one should push the apartment number for when a delivery arrives. but somehow these drivers didn’t get the memo. They leave the Door Tag right NEXT to these buttons and don’t even bother taking that extra second to push any of them, let alone the correct apartment number. and with one delivery, the driver marked somewhere that he attempted 3 times.
I had a talk with a wonderful woman in Customer Relations in Atlanta, and she rectified the situation… realized that the driver never did actually make 3 attempts. and had them attempt 2 more times, real times… They did the same thing! They left a door tag sticker on the first floor (while I had the original door tag signed and waiting ON MY DOOR upstairs)… and the last attempt they didn’t bother leaving a door tag, but the woman on the phone from the brooklyn office «assured me» that they DID come and tried.
Needless to say, I had the package returned to the sender, and had to get the package delivered to another address, but not my condo.
UGH!!! Never have i had so many problems with a package delivery in my life!

C M.

Classificação do local: 3
New York, NY

Live in Brooklyn and missed your scheduled FedEx delivery? Need that package immediately? Go to the Canarsie delivery station and extract your product.
This branch of FedEx does both shipping and pick up of packages. It’s the staging ground for product delivery amongst the Brooklyn area. The operations can best be described as that of a conveyor belt. You show up, wait in line, present your documentation, sign for the product, and leave with it. There’s nothing glamorous about the holding station other than stating the additional hours given for extraction of missed delivery products helps consumers obtain items that are needed on the immediate basis.
I will state that the wait in line can sometimes get a bit tedious (longest wait being 10 minutes), as there are only 34 attendants on staff at one time. The entire transaction when at the counter should take no more than 56 minutes. Surely beats waiting until the next day if a product is needed immediately.

FedEx Ship Center em Brooklyn, NY (2024)


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Views: 6143

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.